Welcome to shenzhen Terpress Technology Co., LTD. Official website!
National Information Hotline:18948167393/ Claire Cheng
Contact Us



Shenzhen Terpress Technology Co., LTD  
Contact person:  Claire Cheng 
Mobile phone: 13926545581 (same wechat number)  
We chat :13926545581
Telephone: 0755-28377393  
Email address: sztprs@126.com  

International Business Reception:Lily Zhang   phone +8615986730470
International Business Reception:Emily liu       phone +8613510303586
International Business Reception:Leo He       
phone +8618948167197

JD: https://mall.jd.com




Address: B406, Building 1, Gang Hong Industrial Zone, 7 Xiangye Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

Store: Q5C020, 5 / F, Huaqiang North, Huaqiang, Futian District, Shenzhen


online customer service
contact information

telephone hotline


Working hours

Monday to Friday

Company phone

18948167393/ Claire Cheng

QR code